2nd Insolvency and restructuring congress
15. - 17. Mai 2013, Brussels
German Bar Association (DAV) Section on Insolvency Law and Restructuring invites you for the 2nd European Insolvency and Restructuring Congress in Brussels from 15 to 17 May 2013.
The Section on Insolvency Law and Restructuring is composed of about 1240 lawyers specialized in insolvency law. Since 2004, its annual German Insolvency and Restructuring Congress (with more than 850 participants) is a platform for insolvency experts to discuss all issues concerning national insolvency proceedings. The German Ministry of Justice is a regular guest at this annual congress.
The 1st European Insolvency and Restructuring Congress, held for the first time in 2012 in Brussels, was an excellent platform for insolvency experts to discuss in particular issues concerning cross border insolvencies. The event was also attended by Viviane Reding, EU Justice Commissioner, and Chairman of EP Legal Affair Committee, Klaus-Heiner Lehne. Please find attached the Program of the 1st European Insolvency and Restructuring Congress and the speeches of the speakers in 2012 below.
More details will follow soon.